Typical Texas weather.
Texas is weather is somewhere between bi-polar and just plain crazy, if you ask me. For the last couple weeks we spent the glorious weather days outside – t-shirts and leggings.. the girls may or may not have even worn pants some days. I thought- this is what summer is going to look like. Spring was arriving after a pretty mild winter. I am one that relies on my weather app to tell me what to expect, and being that I actually hadn’t really looked at it for awhile, I really didn’t know of the ‘ice storm’ that was upon us until we walked out of church on Sunday morning to blistering cold, wind, and freezing rain. And boy, did it rain. The entire afternoon.
Every year for pretty much the last 10 years it has snowed in February or March – so this came as no surprise. I really thought we were going to get away without being ‘iced in’ this winter.. last winter we were stuck in the house for over a week due to the weather conditions. Sunday night the freezing rain froze to ice with temperatures that didn’t get above 25 degrees, keeping us four home by the fire for the day’s entirety. I was okay with that.
Day 2.. the conditions didn’t get that much better. So, I was home again while Jordan made it into work safely. Day 3 – well, day three brought us snow. About 15 minutes of big, beautiful snowflakes.
At 7:30am I brought out shoes and Parker and Jolie’s puffy parka vests (I thought for sure we would need this winter) in talks of going outside to “play in the snow”.
The eye roll and chuckle followed, because Jordan knew the photo request was coming.
But c’mon. I’ll take a little ice and eye rolls for memories like these.
I waited out the traffic and accidents – because it was pure insanity on the roads between the hours of 7am-9am. It started snowing right at the start of ‘traffic time’ and people usually freak out when weather changes like that. So, I took the advice of our school districts and went into work a little late.
By the time I pulled out of the driveway, there was no ‘snow’. Any remaining ice was completely melted, and the sun was shining. By the afternoon it was warm enough for me to pull off my sweater for the drive home.
We live in a place where you basically turn the heat on in the mornings and then completely switch to A/C in the afternoon.
There you have it folks, the Texas Snow of 2015.

We get LOTS of snow up here, but rarely the ice storms like you get in the south. I'm glad the girls got to enjoy a little snow, and that you have pictures to proovew it. Adorable as always!
Our Little Miracles
The girls are so adorable!! Looks like they were having fun!! Weather that is Bi-Polar is crazy and makes me go nutty because you don't know how to dress because its so cold in the morning than the next day hot……
Seriously, your girls are so adorable!Loving their vests!
Texas weather sounds a lot like Las Vegas weather. We had icy cold weather around Christmas, it even snowed a tiny bit NYE (and we never get snow in the valley), and then went up to 75-80 for a few weeks. This week it was a gorgeous 75 degrees out on Saturday, Sunday morning we were freezing when it got down to low 60s and then the rain came.Monday there were reports of snow in the early morning! Today it is back to 70 and my weather app says it goes back down to the 50s by Tuesday! It usually happens like this this time of year, never knowing how to dress each day. And my almost 2 yr old thinks we are teasing him when one day he can go play outside and the next day he can't!
1. I wish we could get one day of beautiful know like this (but just one is fine…) & 2. Where do I get their adorable vests in my size??
I seriously couldn't believe yesterday! HUGE snowflakes in the morning and shedding my jacket and sweater by the afternoon due to the beautiful sun being out! Goodness gracious TX weather!
The Mrs. & Co.
Hi Amber!! I've been crazy busy preparing to go on leave from teaching & trying to prepare for these twins of mine, so I haven't been reading but I see what I've missed & want to shout " CONGRATS!!" on baby #3!!! I feel very lucky to have your blog & kind words via email to help me through this twin pregnancy 😉 I'm 33 weeks & so glad to have come this far. Holding our for 37!! I can't wait to follow your journey this time around.
P.S- love the name post! Told our parents our choices & after the reaction realized no one else needs to know beforehand… Can't believe how defensive I am of them already!
But I am dying to know your top boy name, lol
They get more and more gorgeous with every picture. I'm sure they enjoyed today's snow even more! Can not believe this crazy weather. Hope yall are staying warm and cozy by the fire!