‘Spring Break’ came and went really fast – as does everything these days. But honestly- why don’t adults get Spring Break?
Regardless, we took half the week to visit one of our favorite places – Lake Belton, Texas. Just about a 2 1/2 hour drive from home, to have a weekend getaway – right at our fingertips. Jordan’s grandparents, Granny & Woogie, and Aunt Beeki and Uncle Curtis live literally on the bluffs, so it is a beautiful place to visit.
Jordan has been coming here since he was born- and I can still remember the rubber arms after getting flung off the water tubes behind a boat an 18 year old Jordan was driving the summer I turned 15. He was soooo dreamy.
Still is, folks. Still is.
Right after Christmas, Woogie was diagnosed with stage II throat cancer after battling what he thought was a terrible sore throat for weeks. Such a random and very scary diagnosis, but the cancer has progressed quickly. Next week starts his second round of chemo. He has a feeding tube… and is recently without hair.
We couldn’t help but take this opportunity to make the short trip to the lake for a visit.
The girls have been before (
HERE), but its been awhile! I can’t wait to take them again (hopefully before their teeny baby sister is born), so they can swim and have the time of their little lives.
We were just gone a couple days – Jordan didn’t take a vacation day, so we can to return back to the metroplex in time for him to go to work- but doesn’t mean we didn’t make the most of our weekend.
The gravel road leading to both Granny & Woogies’ house and Beeki & Curtis’ house is their actual street and private property. Aside from the occasional deer sighting, there is nothing but trees on either side. Do you know what that means?
Toddler drivers.
My children let out the loudest belly laughs ever. I’m not sure there is anything sweeter than that. THEE sweetest!
See what I mean about the view? This is off the back porch.
Could this city girl make the transition? The hubby laughs in my face when I say things like this, but really.. I just might.
If it meant my kiddos get to look this beautiful against that lake line..
Our (second) Cousin Pearl was there to play – and that’s Uncle Bobby on the bluff all the way from Seattle to Texas. Jordan’s Aunt Jenny came along, too. I absolutely adore her. Even when she sends me & Jordan random baby names on almost a daily basis.
Jenny. We have a name. But, by all means, keep them coming:)
We arrived right after lunch, and after nap and a BBQ family dinner on the patio- the weather was too perfect not to be outside.

There are about a bazillion toys, but this nearly ancient swing set stole the show.
Daddy and his girls + Woogie and Granny. You could tell it was such a joy for them to have the young babes around. Really raised the spirits of the house.
The weather, ya’ll. I couldn’t get over how absolutely perfect it was the entire weekend. It felt like summer – and made me really ready for the warmer weather – like asap.
But then again.. I’ll be 9 months pregnant when it is 122 degrees for 10+ days in a row.
I might just cuss about it and blame the pregnancy.
But the idea right now is amazing.
The trip was short.. but easy going and enjoyable. We left late in the evening and stopped for dinner on the way home – I am so in love with my people.
The next day, daddy was at work, so the girls and I slept in and then made a much needed run to Target.
But first – Sonic for yummy drinks and ice. We three ladies.. ahem..four ladies.. love the Sonic ice. If you have followed this blog long, you know of our adoration for Sonic. It is a notorious treat for the girls these days.
Our grocery runs usually consist of a couple different stops before we are ready to head home.. and finally around lunch, we were all ready for comfies and a nap.
While I shop, these girls are great about staying close by – and on a busy Saturday afternoon at Market Street, I don’t dare bring out the kiddo karts. But sitting on the bottom of the ‘big’ cart is just as fun.
While stowing the groceries into the car these girls just started laughing outrageously.
It must be a twin thing, because I had zero clue as to what they were laughing about.
Instead, I squatted and snapped picture after picture of these giggles.
Gah. I adore those kind of laughs.
Its always long weekends like these that make me want to push the rewind button. Getting to see family that we don’t get to see all the time due to the miles we live apart – but never will we ever pass up the opportunity to get together.
Monday is here, and I’m so in for hitting snooze, but starting another week means another weekend is near:)
Happy Monday, loves!

They are the sweetest! I can't wait to see them with their little sister! They are going to be the best big sisters! Little miss is one lucky baby!
The Mrs. & Co.