floral print sleeveless blouse // pea in the pod (
navy maxi skirt (non-maternity) // (old)
How far along? 28 weeks + 2 days
Total weight gain: 16 pounds
Maternity clothes? All the way.
Sleep: I’ve started to cat nap in the afternoons again.. I am getting a solid 8 hours (or more) of sleep, but after a day at work, the moment I get home and I sit down for 5 minutes my eyes are heavy. If Jordan is around, he always lets me dose for 20-30 minutes. Just enough for me to make it to 9pm, when I’m dosing again.
Best moment this week: Jolie has been the sweetest big sister in the world about the baby in my belly. She is very careful about sitting near me, on me, around me- her awareness of this protruding belly is pretty impressive for a 2 year old. Parker on the other hand.. hasn’t shown much interest at all. We talk about the baby, she knows about the baby and will occasionally acknowledge the baby- but not like Jo. Over the weekend we were laying together in ‘mama’s bed’ taking a nap while daddy worked in the yard and she leaned over, laid her head on my chest and started to pat my belly.. calling the baby by her name. I basically held my breathe in fear that breathing would end this sister sweetness I long for out of Parker. Since then she has been talking NON stop about her. Jolie and Parker together making their mother way emotional.
Miss Anything? I sort of thought for a half a second I would be totally fine in regular pants – you know, doing the whole hair tie trick, but um yea, thats a negative. So, while I thought I was missing my pre-pregnancy wardrobe.. I’m perfectly fine without for the next 11 weeks or so:)
Cravings: FRUIT. I grabbed a large carton of strawberries over the weekend, and its Wednesday.. and its all but gone. I eat 1-2 apples every day, and yogurt/dairy at nearly every meal. It is so interesting that I have fallen into the same habits I had while pregnant with the twins.
Symptoms: I get winded really easily, it seems. Bending over occasionally makes me light headed. Third trimester exhaustion is here. BUT – really, I don’t have much to complain about at all. Everything during this pregnancy has been pretty low maintenance all together and I appreciate that, baby girl.
Looking forward to: Third Trimester! We have arrived! These last weeks are pretty jam packed and I and really looking forward to all of it. A handful of Ashley’s closest friends and myself have been planning her baby shower for next weekend (9th) and I can’t believe it is (almost) finally here! So many emotions have flooded me thinking about the arrival of our babies within days of each other.. There is a real possibility that we will be in the hospital together with our new additions (we have the same doctor and will be delivering at the same hospital-eep!) and that literally brings tears to my eyes. I’m such a sap these days.
Baby Girl
We went to visit the doctor this morning, and due to the nature of my amniotic fluid situation, we got to see her little face again this time. I love getting to check in on her and to learn of her stats – as far as health goes, she is superb with a heartbeat of 156bpm. She is measuring large.. Dr. Walsh made a joke that her head and abdomen is now off the chart for gestational age. That sounds about right. Her mama + all her mama’s brothers have a rather large head to begin with. She is currently weighing in at a little over 3 pounds, putting her at 31 weeks based on her size alone.
Thats two weeks further along than she actually is.. okay then.
There is zero indications as to why my amniotic fluid continues to rise, except simply because she is measuring larger than expected. Bigger babies need more fluid to swim around in:)
Typical range is 5-25, and I’m now measuring 29. Two weeks ago I sat tightly at 24 for a month- a little high, but nothing to bat an eye at. NOW, in two weeks, I have gained a lot of fluid and my belly shows and my body thinks I’m 33 weeks along.
Good gracious.
I was instructed by Walsh to make an appointment with my perinatologist, just to take a second look at this baby girl and make sure Walsh isn’t missing anything. I go next week on Tuesday.
Other than that, baby girl is perfectly healthy and strong! I’m okay with that. It give me confidence that she is doing well, I just have to make sure I am taking care of myself well enough and watching for signs of preterm labor. High amniotic fluid puts me at risk for rupture of the membrane (my water to break), and with my high risk history in pregnancy with the twins, my body is prepared for all that to happen. So far, cervix looks long and closed (thank goodness), so the risk for that is low (for the time being), but there may come a time in this pregnancy that I will have to go on bed rest to keep her in until we are good and ready for her arrival.
I scheduled my C-Section date for Twelve noon on July 14th (39 weeks + 1 day) and registered at the hospital last night.. Its all getting so real!
Other updates..
I picked out bedding (finally) last weekend, and to think about all this coming together is WAY exciting to me! Going with very neutral + little pattern in the bedding, but really feminine.
Linen, lace, rose, and ivory.
All good things after my appointment this week – praying this little girl will sit tight for another 11 weeks (eleven?!).. oh, and please don’t be 10 pounds;)

Looking good!!! and I love that shirt. Bigger babies mean better eaters and better sleepers!
Awh my Parker's birthday is on July twelfth. Summer babies are so fun.
you're too adorable. And so jealous that you always carry ONLY in the belly! You go mama! You rock this pregnancy thing.
I've never had a friend who's had extra amniotic fluid so it's so interesting to know your experience with it and that everything is still great with you and Baby Girl. Also, I forgot that her and Lukas would share a birthday which is just around the corner! EEK 🙂 so excited!!