Hey girls! What’s your favorite food??
Jolie: salaaaad, gock-leee (broccoli), kayeeets (carrots)…
Jolie: ..be-mannas (bananas), be-matooes (tomatoes)..
Parker: CHIPS!!!
Story of my life.
In a perfect world, Parker and Jolie would gobble up every single thing I put in front of them without a fight. Grilled chicken, whole wheat pasta and brussels sprouts would be their favorite foods ALL the time instead of about 50% of the time.. fifty percent of the time being pretty generous.
Unfortunately I usually catch them on the off chance that they really don’t like those foods.
As young babes, we started oatmeal at four months and at 6 months we started fruits and vegetables. I would make all kinds of foods for them.. sweet potatoes and bananas, roasted red pepper and chickpea, blueberry and spinach. Meal planning for my 6 month old girls was almost more fun than meal planning for Jordan and myself. As they got older and were exposed to more foods, their taste preferences change and all the sudden they became terribly picky. They try and love something one night and I’ll make the exact same meal a week later and they are in tears when we insist they take just one bite. Most of the time Parker and Jolie eat like birds- taking two or three bites of a meal and announcing “I’M DONE!” which is why I knew I needed the peace of mind to know that what they are missing in their food consumption can be supplemented with a vitamin.
With so many daily vitamin options out there, it is hard to know which one is best for your kids. I always make sure I look at the nutritional value, serving size, and of course the taste. If my girls don’t like the way something tastes, they’ll never eat it- no matter how convincing I can be. Thats why we love
L’il Critters™! These gummy vitamins are tailored to meet the specific nutritional needs of children as they grow and contain no high fructose corn syrup, no synthetic dyes, and for those that need it, they are gluten free! L’il Critters™ helps to make nutrition taste good by combining the power of vitamins with a fun and tasty gummy and they are a delicious alternative to hard-to-swallow tablets or capsules. The demand for toddler independence is at an all-time high right now, so the convenience of being able to hand two L’il Critters™ gummy vitamins over first thing in the morning for Parker and Jolie to take with no need for water makes my life so much easier with one less mess to manage.

L’il Critters™, powered by vitafusion™, is rooted in the belief that healthy habits should be enjoyable so that you keep doing them, especially when you incorporate these healthy habits into your family life. Having the support system of the entire house helps a lot! Salad with grilled chicken for you and pizza for the kids.. I would completely forget about the salad and dig into eating more than my fair share of pizza slices. My babes are at the age when they are learning and absorbing at high speed, so talking about healthy habits, introducing healthy foods, and getting into the routine of doing these things together. They watch mama and daddy take their ‘bitamins‘ and definitely have interest in some of their own!
While nutrition and healthy living is a huge component to our lifestyle, being active is too- which is why I absolutely love the ‘Move Like a Lil’ Critter’ Campaign. My girls are at the age when they love to mimic and be silly- one minute they are growing like a tiger or hopping like a frog, and the next minute they are bouncing around like a monkey and asking over and over again for ‘be-manas’.
..by the way, their version of the word banana is my all-time favorite, ever.
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The Move Like a Little Critter workout routine is perfect for the whole family to get involved. Making it fun for the kiddos to get involved with encourage these healthy habits over and over again.
L’il Critters™ gummy vitamins are easy to find and are available at mass, club, grocery, and drug stores nationwide! I love that I can grab a giant bottle at Costco or make a quick trip up the street to Walgreens if I happen to run out. You can find more information at www.lilcritters.com
Do you have a picky eater on your hands? What are some ways you help your kiddos get the proper nutritional they need to get through the day? Tell me in the comments below for a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card.
I received free product and payment for this sponsored post. All opinions are 100% mine.
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This is the story of my life. AMAZING eater to the worlds pickiest eater ever! Meat- heck no! Protons- clearly poisonous… Fruit- can't get enough and diapers pay for it ? Such a battle.
Yes, I have picky eaters. They take vitamins and I sneak in vegetables whenever I can.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I love to do smoothies in the morning and sneak in some veggies and protein powder! She still drinks it all up! Raegan is very picky as well. She likes fruit. Fruit, fruit, and more fruit! It's hard to sneak it all in. Thank goodness for smoothies.
My son and daughter are picky eaters and some ways I got them to eat healthy is by putting the veges in their favorite casserole and they would eat it. I also found a very good smoothie recipe that they love and will drink it for breakfast.
Green smoothies!!
Green smoothies!
My daughter is only 10 months old, but already I see her leaving her least favorite foods on her tray! I like knowing that there are kid-friendly vitamins for when she's a little older.
My 2 year old is the pickiest and yes she barely eats! She loves her "bitamins!" I recently found Zarbees vitamins. She loves them and they as well have no high fructose corn syrup. We always offer her healthy foods but most of the time she takes 2-3 bites and she is done as well.
I make smoothies for picky eaters
elena150980 at yahoo dot com
My 2 year old is the pickiest and yes she barely eats! She loves her "bitamins!" I recently found Zarbees vitamins. She loves them and they as well have no high fructose corn syrup. We always offer her healthy foods but most of the time she takes 2-3 bites and she is done as well.
elena150980 at yahoo dot com
I give my kids a daily vitamin and I also make sure to buy and prepare their favorite fruits and veggies throughout the week. IF they are eating a fruit or veggie they don't like too much I add light butter or a dip to make it taste better.
I sneak produce such as beans into fruit smoothies for my picky eaters.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
We do lots of green smoothies as I find it hard to hit the recommended daily serving of veggies for myself, so throwing kale and spinach and other greens into a fruit smoothie is a delicious way to get a veggie. Plus my 2 year old loves them!
Daily vitamins are a must for kids and my advice would be to experiment…I am sure you can find a fruit or a veggie that your kids like and take advantage of that.
prettyinhotpink6 at gmail dot com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/PrettyHotPink6/status/679403003200147457
Smoothies are a great way to get those fruit and veggies in for us 🙂
Haha– I haven't figured out any great solutions yet! My 18-month old just started being picky…
Our kids will eat almost anything. We try to feed them a well balanced meal.
My kids are so picky! We give them gummy vitamins everyday and try to offer them a variety of foods even though they might refuse!
My little is not to that age yet — 15 weeks old. But I was wondering if you have any baby food website or book suggestions? I can't wait to start making some for my little!
I am so fortunate that my kids are not picky eaters. I like to make them nutritious meals that look like fun to eat.
I am so fortunate that my kids are not picky eaters. I like to make them nutritious meals that look like fun to eat.
I don't have picky eaters but I always try to make sure that I cook veggies with every meal.
My daughter won't eat any vegetables so I make her soups and casseroles and add in vegetables as a way to hid them.
s2s2 at cox dot net
s2s2 at cox dot net
Yes, i have picky eaters and the fight goes on. truckredford(at)Gmail(dot)com
https://twitter.com/eliza_elliott/status/680830392677449729 truckredford(at)Gmail(Dot)com
You could do YouTube & vlog and totally have more than one million subscribers ! Lol your family is so sweet, love reading your blog!
My son is a picky eater.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
My children are adults now but I was incredibly fortunate. They were always good eaters. Of course, we ran into a few foods that they just didn't like but overall they ate a very well balanced diet.
Tweet – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/681361766400446465
I've found that the kids eat lots of veggies if I serve them with a dip. I make healthy versions from Greek yogurt or I make hummus.
I found that my kids eat fruits and veggies better if they have something to dip them in.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/KerryBishop/status/681612364249194497
I plan healthy breakfasts, pack a balanced lunch for school, and cook from scratch for dinner each night so they get they least amount of processed foods as possible.
I make them smoothies with fruit and veggies, they don't realize they are eating the veggies 🙂
my tweet-https://twitter.com/LuLu_Brown24/status/681789364200837121
tweet https://twitter.com/yarbr012/status/681821711369637888 yarbr012@gmail.com
I have found that the key is to slowly introduce new foods, one at a time. I will make my daughter's favorite dishes, but just add one new vegetable (for example). She does not tolerate too many changes at once. yarbr012@gmail.com
No picky eaters here….but I have found that fruit cut up on a plate gets eaten, while whole fruit sitting in a bowl may not. We also put veggies into lots of things like soups and casseroles and stir fry.
I do not have a picky eater on your hands. I try to offer a nutritious meal to keep them on track.
I publicly Tweeted this giveaway: https://twitter.com/versatileer/status/682025990470541312
A good multi-vitamin helps keep picky eaters healthier
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
i posted a tweet here:
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
I don't have kids but am, myself, a very picky eater and always have been. Unfortunately, while growing up, my mom and dad did not make me eat things I had not tried before. Now, as an adult, I force myself to at least try it before judging it. hahahaa
14earth at gmail dot com
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MsTofuFairy/status/682244938482991104
14earth at gmail dot com
I do have picky eaters. I try to switch it up and come up with ways to get vegetables in my boys. Like zucchini bread. They don't know they're eating a vegetable.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
eswright18 at gmail dot com
TWITTERED TOO! https://twitter.com/faithjacklynswe/status/682368091079208960
I don't have a picky eater. My son likes to eat fruit for snacks.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
my nephew and niece are both picky and any help i can i would love to know
I make a lot of foods where I can hide the vegetables in there. Think rice with veggies, etc!
I sent out a tweet: https://twitter.com/electricstar/status/682582396571619328
we use the gummies because that's what the kids will eat apparently it tastes the best to them and that's her way of making sure they get all their nutrients in for the day
by using vitamins and hiding it in other foods or sauces
dlatany at gmail dot com
dlatany at gmail dot com
This stuff is down t earth, hats off buds out there. Naturalon