we welcomed the New Year with our first (and second) experience with LICE. Baker brought them home with her after wearing the parka coat at ICE! (never again, folks). I felt like they were crawling all over me for weeks and made Jordan check me 100 times- especially with a kid on top of me at all times. after a couple google searches Jordan mentioned that lice can only live and thrive in clean hair. “oh, then you’re good, Amber.”
we recovered from a terrible 10 day bout with the FLU at the end of January and kicked off February with fun- Jolie, Parker, and Baker got their ears pierced!
March was busy! We celebrated Jordan turning a young 36 years! and Jolie said goodbye to her tonsils + adenoids in hopes to get some relief from cyclic fevers related to PFAPA (which she has! not a single fever since March!)
we took a weekend trip to the lake
..and celebrated our big boy Brady’s first birthday with a Fire Station One party.
we took our pretty princesses to Disney on Ice! and Parker and Jolie started riding lessons!
we celebrated Easter weekend with friends and family.
Justin came to Dallas and put on the greatest show ever.warmer weather came quickly and we took full advantage of checking things off our summer bucket list
we found out we were pregnant with baby number 5. while we couldn’t believe it, we felt so incredibly happy to add another baby to our family.
we shared our happy news with the world! its baby boy number two!!
we also celebrated the fourth of July by the pool
..and Baker Bree’s third birthday with a boho fiesta!!
we spent a long weekend at the Gaylord to officially bring the summer to a close.. celebrated 13 years of marriage
Parker and Jolie started KINDERGARTEN!!!!
Jordan participated in the 9/11 memorial stair climb in DallasI turned 34 and celebrated baby boy with a pasta cooking class.
we took our annual fall family photos,.. and I pretty much cried as I looked through them and dressed a baseball team for halloween!
we officially finished Parker, Jolie, and Baker’s shared room!walked into my third trimester with baby boy– we didn’t think we would make it this far and we feel so grateful!
..and decided that family pajamas were a MUST from here on out.
our holiday season was FULL and so much fun! we kicked off the month with a trip on the Polar Express!the twins turned 6 years old on December 6th and we spent a few days celebrating at Great Wolf Lodge..
and then pampered them with a birthday party with friends at Sweet & Sassy!
the weekend before Christmas we visited Santa + went ice skating!
..and Christmas Eve we started early with a family brunch + gift exchange and then we headed out for the afternoon church service to celebrate Jesus’ birthday!
we made it back home for a quick dinner and made a giant batch of sugar cookies for Santa!
Christmas morning was MAGICAL
..and carried over to the afternoon! we had BB and Papa and Tim and Teresa come to visit for a turkey + ham Christmas dinner.
WHAT A YEAR. we are on baby countdown now.. and kicking off 2019 in the best way possible, if you ask me 🙂happy new year, friends!
January 2, 2019
The way Parker looks at Jolie in that birthday pic melts my heart. What precious big sisters & what a wonderful year ♡
Really glad to hear that your daughter has been healthy since her surgery. God is good.
Love your stories! And this is absolutely adorable! Hope you are feeling well and this baby brings you so much joy as you kick off the new year! Best wish and blessing to you and your beautiful family!
What an action packed Beautiful Year! Such Special Moments! Love you ALL!!!