oh 2017. you came and went in a blink of an eye and I still cannot believe you’re over! I’ve been doing these posts every year for the last 8 years (since 2010!) and I swear every time I think that our years couldn’t possibly be any better or busier than the previous year before.. but once again, I was wrong.
2017 was pretty good.
a couple of my closest girlfriends
took me to the spa in leu of a baby shower– there were no cameras or phones allowed so we legit snuck into the bathroom stall to snap a photo to document the time- ha! it was such a good day!

BABY MONTH! we put the final touches on the nursery, packed our bags, and waited patiently for March 20th to arrive!
spending our days with
a sleepy newborn wasn’t so bad. he was (and still is!) the most popular person in the house!
and I was finally able to put the finishing touches on
Brady’s nursery after the canvas prints came to hang perfectly above his crib.

Jordan was honored with the life saving award for his bravery on a call pulling a man out of a burning car. watching the video of him saving that man takes my breath away. SO proud of our guy.
..and we took a road trip to visit
Nana + Duke in Austin
Parker and Jolie finished preschool and we kicked off the summer!

June also marked the start of a crazy roller coaster of emotions and months of
dealing with the unknown regarding Jolie’s health. this was the most stressful month of our lives and we are so thankful for the doctors and our pediatrician for the thorough steps taken to cover all the bases.

we tried to keep the norm when Jolie was feeling well! so it didn’t stop us from spending
another weekend at the lake with our friends.

we finally got some answers regarding Jolie’s on and off fever episodes and sickness.
a diagnosis of PFAPA changed the game for us in the way we treat her symptoms and the plan of action we will have for future. SO thankful to have a diagnosis and even more thankful that the C word (cancer) was removed from the table completely.
the end of August also marked my last days working outside the home. I’m still a dietitian- keeping up with my certs and CEs, but with the addition of another babe into the mix, Jordan’s schedule, and the ebb + flow of Jolie’s health it was clear that it was time for us to make this decision for me to be home full time.
miss Baker started preschool 2’s! we opted to keep the twins out this year mainly because of Jolie’s health- when it was time to enroll the twins in school Jolie was in the worst shape and emotionally I just needed to keep them home with me.. by the time she was feeling well enough the pre-K spots were completely full.. so Baker is the only one in school right now and she’s having the time of her life being a two year old.
our Brady Jordan celebrated 6 months of his sweet little life!
its fall, y’all! even tho most days were 90 degrees, we had a handful of perfect 70 degree days- and you better believe we spent them at the pumpkin patch.
and made a long weekend out of it and stayed to
visit Nana + Duke.. and more pumpkins, just in another city 🙂

our annual family pictures also happened in October, as they always do! Baker made for a good laugh with her sobbing fits in the middle of about half the photos- but Brady won the entire day.
HALLOWEEN. how in the world will I top this one in 2018?
lots of low key family time this month- but we trotted before turkey in the 50th anniversary Dallas Turkey Trot and had the best time! the weather was perfect for a morning in the sun.
..and officially celebrated with the sweetest
unicorn party with family and friends.
we made Christmas sugar cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve and continued traditions both old and new this year!
I can’t believe how quickly this year flew by- but while putting this post together and looking back., mostly with tears in my eyes, we have been through a lot. its been the best year, even with the chaos over the summer combined with postpartum emotions and a brand new baby.. but in the moment I swear my head was spinning.
heres to 2018! I am so excited and very curious as to what you hold for us!
years past in review
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